Botulinum Toxin is a potent neurotoxin derived from the clostridium botulinum bacterium. It inhibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction causing temporary paralysis of the injected muscles.
Injection of small quantities of Botulinum Toxin into specific muscles causes localized muscle relaxation that smooths the overlying skin and reduces wrinkles.
Botulinum Toxin injections for treatment of facial wrinkles is the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure. When administered, particularly in the upper face, Botulinum Toxin offers predictable results, has few adverse effects and is associated with high client satisfaction.
Botulinum Toxin effects can take up to 14 days to develop, with its peak period at week 4. As we cannot instantly see the results of Botulinum Toxin, review periods can be completed between 14-21 days. Complete time frames for lasting results vary for every client, as there are intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can all effect results. As a guide, Botulinum Toxin is considered safe to be administered again after 12 weeks.
The frontalis muscle is an elevator muscle which is located on the forehead.
The procerus and corrugator supercilli muscles (sometimes referred to as the glabella complex) are a group of depressor muscles with are located within the frown area.
The orbicularis oculi muscles are located around the eyes and when contracted can create ‘laughter lines.’
Bunny lines are creases that appear around the nose. These small, diagonal wrinkles on both sides of the nose, usually appear more pronounced when you smile or laugh.
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen production slows down. This means it becomes harder to keep our skin smooth and firm. In addition, repeated muscle movements can cause more pronounced lines to form around areas like your nose where you often hold tension.
To treat nostril flaring Botulinum Toxin is injected into the dilator naris anterior muscle, which pulls the nostrils sideways. . This is a fan-shaped muscle that originates in the nasal lateral cartilage and the transverse nasalis and inserts in the caudal border of the lateral crus of the alar cartilage and in nostrils skin. The contraction of this muscle can be felt by compressing the nasal ala between two fingers.
Botulinum Toxin can also beinjected into the depressor septi nasi muscle, which pulls the nasal tip down. A drooping nasal tip can also contribute to a wider-looking nose.
The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle is a long running muscle originating in the maxillary frontal process and involves the nasal ala and upper lip. The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle can be divided into deep and superficial bellies. The deep belly runs deep to the levator labii superioris muscle, whereas the superficial belly runs superficial to the levator labii superioris muscle.
As the muscle responsible for allowing the gums to show is an elevator muscle, injecting Botulinum Toxin will relax the muscle, therefore the upward pull will not be as strong.
In human anatomy, the orbicularis oris muscle is a complex of muscles in the lips that encircles the mouth. It is a sphincter, or circular muscle, but it is composed of four independent quadrants that interlace and give only an appearance of circularity.
This muscle closes the mouth and puckers the lips when it contracts. The superficial fibres of the Orbicularis Oris cause the ‘smokers lines’ effect
A lip flip using Botulinum Toxin A injections is a great natural alternative to enhancing the natural volume of the lips, without using dermal fillers.
The muscle injected is the Orbicularis Oris. Relaxing tension in this muscle can allow the lip to flip upwards, creating a poutier look.
Lip flip treatments are also beneficial in ensuring that the top lip doesn’t disappear when we smile as we age and diminish our hyaluronic acid production.
Over time from overactivity, even when not moving your mouth or lips, the corners of your mouth tend to point downwards, resulting in marionette lines and an unhappy looking appearance.
The Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscle is the muscle that pulls down the corners of the mouth when frowning. Botulinum Toxin injections in this area can relax the muscle enough to let the corners of the mouth resume their normal contour.
A dimpled or pitted chin is often caused by a hyperactive muscle in the area that contracts too much. The mentalis muscle is located in the chin and may become overactive for many different reasons. This means it contracts even when it is not necessary. Many people may be unaware that they are constantly contracting this muscle as they may subconsciously do it while concentrating or focusing on a task. When this muscle is overactive, it is continuously stretching the skin, which results in a dimpled appearance. The only way to stop the formation of these dimples is to relax the mentalis muscle.
The masseter is one of the muscles of mastication. It is a powerful superficial quadrangular muscle originating from the zygomatic arch and inserts along the angle and lateral surface of the mandibular ramus. The masseter is primarily responsible for the elevation of the mandible and some protraction of the mandible
The Platysma bands are strips of muscles that start at the base of your neck and run up the front left and right sides of your neck.
Small diluted concentrations of an anti-wrinkle product can be injected into this muscle at various points across the platysma, relaxing this muscle and causing unopposed pull from the musculature above and hence a mini non-surgical facelift.
Botulinum Toxin works by blocking the nerves responsible for activating your sweat glands. Normally, your nervous system activates your sweat glands when your body temperature rises. This is how your body automatically cools itself. In people with hyperhidrosis, however, the nerves that signal the sweat glands are overactive.
When you receive Botox injections directly into the area of your body that commonly sweats, your overactive nerves are essentially paralyzed. When your nerves can’t signal your sweat glands, you don’t sweat. However, Botox only prevents sweating in the specific area where it’s injected.
Clients should refrain from lying down or doing any excessive bending over for at least 4 hours post treatment.
Excessive heat (Saunas, Sunbeds, Steam rooms, Hot Showers, Travelling abroad) should be avoided for a minimum of 48 hours post treatment.
No makeup or skincare products should be administered for 12-24 hours post treatment.
No facial treatments or any other conflicting treatments for a minimum of 14 days.
Clients should refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine or any NSAID medications for 24 hours post treatment.
Clients should try to avoid touching the treated area and ensure that hands are clean if so.
If possible, it is recommended to avoid any tight- fitting headwear for 48 hours post treatment.
It can take up to 14 days to see the full effect of Botulinum Toxin injections. Any reviews are required to take place between day 14-21.
Please reach us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
In general, Botox lasts 3-4 months. There will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment.
Botox injections are shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time. These shots are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye and other conditions. Botox shots also may help prevent migraine.
Once Botox wears off your skin will eventually go back to baseline, or your natural skin appearance. While it might seem like your wrinkles are worse than they were before, the truth is that you have likely forgotten what you looked like with your natural wrinkles.
18 years and older
If you want to prevent the earliest fine lines from becoming full-blown wrinkles, preventative Botox can be the solution. Botox is approved for patients who are 18 years and older and most experts agree that patients in their mid to late 20s and early 30s are at a good age for preventative Botox treatment.
SMILE THAI BEAUTY Health & Beauty Solutions
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